* @module backbone-survey
var BackboneSurvey = BackboneSurvey || {};
(function() {
* @class Section
* @extends {Backbone.Model}
var Section = BackboneSurvey.Section = Backbone.Model.extend({
constructor: function() {
Backbone.Model.apply(this, arguments);
, defaults: {
page: 0
, routeDependencies: []
, type: BackboneSurvey.QuestionType.NONE
, contents: {}
, fields: [] // multi fields
, options: [] // select options
, singleOptions: [] // option keys that disable the other keys
, defaultAnswers: []
, rules: []
, answers: []
, subAnswer: {}
, set: function(key, val, options) {
if (key === null) return this;
if (typeof key === 'object') {
attrs = key;
options = val;
} else {
(attrs = {})[key] = val;
// :id must be a string
if (typeof(attrs.id) !== "undefined") {
attrs.id = attrs.id.toString();
// :page must be a number
if (typeof(attrs.page) !== "undefined") {
attrs.page = _.isNumber(attrs.page) ? parseInt(attrs.page, 10) : 0;
// Convert :contents must be an object
if (typeof(attrs.contents) !== "undefined") {
if (typeof(attrs.contents) !== "object") {
attrs.contents = {};
// Convert :options string to object
if (typeof(attrs.options) !== "undefined") {
var opts = attrs.options || [];
attrs.options = [];
_.each(opts, function(v) {
if (typeof(v) !== "object") {
v = { value: v, label: v };
v.label = v.label || v.value;
v.value = v.value.toString();
v.label = v.label.toString();
if (typeof(v.route) !== "undefined") {
v.route = v.route.toString();
Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, attrs, options);
, validate: function(attr, options) {
var errors = [];
var answers = this.answers(attr);
var me = this;
var fields = this.get("fields") || [];
if (this.get("type") === BackboneSurvey.QuestionType.MULTI) {
_.each(fields, function(field, i) {
var rules = field.rules || [];
var err = [];
_.each(rules, function(rule) {
if (err.length > 0) return;
var result = rule.validate([answers[i]], me.attributes);
if (!result.valid) errors.push(result.message);
_.union(errors, err);
} else if (this.get("type").answerType() === BackboneSurvey.AnswerType.MATRIX) {
_.each(fields, function(field, i) {
var rules = field.rules || [];
var err = [];
_.each(rules, function(rule) {
if (err.length > 0) return;
var result = rule.validate(answers[i], me.attributes);
if (!result.valid) errors.push(result.message);
_.union(errors, err);
} else {
_.each(this.attributes.rules, function(rule) {
if (errors.length > 0) return;
var result = rule.validate(answers, me.attributes);
if (!result.valid) errors.push(result.message);
if (errors.length > 0) return errors;
* Pick the answers according to the section type.
* @method answers
* @param {Object} [attr] If it's undefined, Use this.attributes.
* @return {Array}
, answers: function(attr) {
attr = attr || this.attributes;
return attr.answers;
* Clear all answer attributes.
* @method clearAnswers
, clearAnswers: function() {
this.set({ answers: [] }, { silent: true });
* Returns the route keys.
* @method answeredRoutes
* @return {Array}
, answeredRoutes: function() {
var vs = [];
var opts = this.get("options");
switch (this.get("type")) {
case BackboneSurvey.QuestionType.RADIO:
case BackboneSurvey.QuestionType.CHECKBOX:
var ans = this.answers();
_.each(ans, function(a) {
_.each(_.where(opts, { value: a }), function(o) {
if (typeof(o.route) === "string" && !_.isEmpty(o.route)) {
return _.uniq(vs);
* @class Sections
* @extends {Backbone.Collection}
var Sections = BackboneSurvey.Sections = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Section
* @method fistPage
* @return {Number}
, firstPage: function() {
return this.reduce(function(memo, model) {
var p = model.get("page");
return (memo === 0 || memo > p) ? p : memo;
}, 0);
* @method lastPage
* @return {Number}
, lastPage: function() {
return this.reduce(function(memo, model) {
var p = model.get("page");
return (memo === 0 || memo < p) ? p : memo;
}, 0);
* @method prevPage
* @param {Number} currentPage
* @return {Number}
, prevPage: function(currentPage) {
var ps = [];
this.each(function(model) {
var p = model.get("page");
if (p < currentPage) {
ps = _.sortBy(ps, function(n) { return -1 * n; });
return (ps.length > 0) ? ps[0] :
(currentPage === 0) ? this.firstPage() : currentPage;
* @method nextPage
* @param {Number} currentPage
* @return {Number}
, nextPage: function(currentPage) {
var ps = [];
this.each(function(model) {
var p = model.get("page");
if (p > currentPage) {
ps = _.sortBy(ps, function(n) { return n; });
var last = this.lastPage();
return (ps.length > 0) ? ps[0] :
(currentPage === 0 || last < currentPage) ? last : currentPage;
* @class Survey
* @extends {Backbone.Model}
var Survey = BackboneSurvey.Survey = Backbone.Model.extend({
constructor: function() {
* @property sections
* @type {Sections}
this.sections = new Sections();
Backbone.Model.apply(this, arguments);
, defaults: {
title: ""
, page: 0
, answeredSectionIds : []
, options : {}
* Parser method for using `{ parse: true }` option.
<pre><code>var survey = new BackboneSurvey.Survey({
survey: {
// Survey.attributes ....
, sections: [
// An array of Section.attributes ....
}, { parse: true });
* @method parse
* @param {Object} resp
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Object} attributes
, parse: function(resp, options) {
this.sections.reset(_.filter(resp.sections || [], function(s) {
// Remove invalid id section
return s.id.toString().match(/^[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+$/); }));
return resp.survey || {};
* Initialize all the answers and the status.
* @method initAnswers
* @param {Number} p A current page
* @param {Object} option Survey#set option
, initAnswers: function(p, option) {
p = p || 0;
option = option || {};
var sectionIds = this.get("answeredSectionIds");
this.sections.each(function(section) {
if (section.get("page") > p) {
_.without(sectionIds, section.id);
answers: section.get("defaultAnswers")
}, { silent: true });
page: p
, answeredSectionIds: sectionIds
}, option);
* Move to a first page, and reset all answers.
* @method startPage
, startPage: function() {
this.initAnswers(0, { silent: false });
var p = this.sections.firstPage();
this.set({ page: p });
* Move to the previous page.
* @method prevPage
, prevPage: function() {
// Select the previous page number
var cp = this.get("page");
var pages = _.sortBy(this.availablePages(), function(n) { return n; });
var p = cp;
for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
if (pages[i] < p) {
p = pages[i];
if (p != this.get("page")) {
var resetOn =this.get("options").resetOn || [];
if (_.contains(resetOn, "prev")) {
} else {
this.set({ page: p });
* Move to the next page.
* @method nextPage
, nextPage: function() {
var me = this;
// Add answered sectionIds
var sectionIds = _.pluck(this.currentSections(), "id");
_.each(sectionIds, function(sectionId) {
// Fire "completed" if all set
if (this.isLastPage()) {
// Select the next page number
var cp = this.get("page");
var pages = _.sortBy(this.availablePages(), function(n) { return n; });
var p = this.sections.firstPage();
for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
if (pages[i] > cp) {
p = pages[i];
if (p > cp) {
var resetOn =this.get("options").resetOn || [];
if (_.contains(resetOn, "next")) {
this.initAnswers(cp, { silent: true});
this.set({ page: p });
} else {
* @method isFirstPage
* @return {Boolean}
, isFirstPage: function() {
return (this.get("page") === this.sections.firstPage());
* @method isLastPage
* @return {Boolean}
, isLastPage: function() {
return (this.get("page") === this.sections.lastPage());
* Returns an array of Section in a current page.
* @method currentSections
* @return {Array}
, currentSections: function() {
return this.sections.where({ page: this.get("page") });
* Returns all answers.
* @method answers
* @return {Array}
, answers: function() {
var me = this;
var ans = [];
var sectionIds = this.get("answeredSectionIds") || [];
_.each(sectionIds, function(sectionId) {
var section = me.sections.get(sectionId);
if (!section) return;
if (section.get("type") === BackboneSurvey.QuestionType.NONE) return;
id: section.id
, answers: section.get("answers")
, subAnswer: section.get("subAnswer")
return ans;
* Add an answered section ID.
* @method addAnsweredSectionId
* @param {String} Section.id
, addAnsweredSectionId: function(id) {
var section = this.sections.get(id);
if (!section) return;
var p = section.get("page");
var ids = [];
var answeredIds = this.get("answeredSectionIds") || [];
// Remove greater sectionIds
var me = this;
_.each(answeredIds, function(answeredId) {
var s = me.sections.get(answeredId);
if (!s) return;
if (s.get("page") <= p) ids.push(answeredId);
// Add new sectionIds
this.set("answeredSectionIds", _.uniq(ids), { silent: true });
* Returns the route keys in the sections.
* @method answeredRoutes
* @return {Array}
, answeredRoutes: function() {
var vs = [];
var ids = this.get("answeredSectionIds") || [];
var me = this;
_.each(ids, function(id) {
var section = me.sections.get(id);
if (section) vs.push({
id: id
, routes: section.answeredRoutes()
return vs;
* Returns available page numbers.
* @method availablePages
* @return {Array}
, availablePages: function() {
var routes = this.answeredRoutes();
var cp = this.get("page");
var p = this.sections.firstPage();
var pages = [p];
if (p > cp) return pages;
do {
p = this.sections.nextPage(p);
var sections = this.sections.where({ page: p });
var num = sections.length;
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
var resolver =
sections[i].get("resolver") ||
new BackboneSurvey.SectionResolver(sections[i].get("routeDependencies") || []);
if (!resolver.resolve(routes)) num--;
if (num > 0) {
if (p > cp) break;
} while (p < this.sections.lastPage());
return _.sortBy(pages, function(n) { return n; });
* Serialize the survey status.
* @method serializeStatus
* @return {String}
, serializeStatus: function() {
var data = {};
data.page = this.get("page") || 0;
data.answeredSectionIds = this.get("answeredSectionIds") || [];
data.answers = [];
this.sections.each(function(section) {
id: section.id
, answers: section.get("answers")
, subAnswer: section.get("subAnswer")
return JSON.stringify(data);
* Unserialize a survey status.
* @method unserializeStatus
* @param {String} serialized A serialized string Survey#serializeStatus returns
* @param {Object} option Survey#set option
* @return {Boolean}
, unserializeStatus: function(serialized, option) {
var i;
option = option || {};
this.initAnswers(0, { silent: true });
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(serialized);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (typeof data !== "object" || !data) return false;
data.page = data.page || 0;
if (this.sections.lastPage() < data.page) return false;
data.answeredSectionIds = data.answeredSectionIds || [];
for (i = 0; i < data.answeredSectionIds.length; i++) {
if (!this.sections.get(data.answeredSectionIds[i])) return false;
data.answers = data.answers || [];
for (i = 0; i < data.answers.length; i++) {
var section = this.sections.get(data.answers[i].id);
if (!section) return false;
var attr = {
answers: data.answers[i].answers
, subAnswer: data.answers[i].subAnswer
if (_.contains(data.answeredSectionIds, section.id)) {
var errors = section.validate(attr);
if (errors) {
this.initAnswers(0, { silent: true });
return false;
section.set(attr, { silent: true });
page: data.page
, answeredSectionIds: data.answeredSectionIds
}, option);
return true;